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1C Course (Cashier, Operator)
During the course you will gain trade related knowledge from 1C program, study the tools that are most applied in the field of trade.
Number of lessons 7
Time spent on a lesson 1h
Number of lessons: 7 lessons
Lesson Duration: 1 hour
Course Format։ Offline / online
Course Fee։ 45․000 AMD (Individual), 35․000 AMD (Group)
Venue։ IBT Educational Center, Citadel Business Center, 105/1 Teryan, Yerevan
Who is the course intended for?
The 1C (Trade) course is designed for cashiers and operators as well as for those who want to deepen their knowledge of the 1C (Trade) program. At the end of the course, the participating student will gain in-depth knowledge of the 1C (Trade) program, will study tools that are more applicable in the field of trade. The training will be carried out with 8․2 version, and at the last lessons 8․3, 7․7 demo versions and AS Trade will also be presented. The 8․2 program will be provided to students free of charge.
Course benefits
Course Content
Lesson 1.
Lesson 2.
Lesson 3.
Lesson 4.
Lesson 5.
Lesson 6.
Lesson 7.