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MS MS Word Excel PowerPoint - We start from 0
MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint - We start from 0
Admin Comments 0 View 775 4 years ago
MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint - We start from 0 We are often asked if they can participate in our courses if they do not have any computer skills? Yes, you can. Experience shows that even for those who are self-taught and have partial knowledge of MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, half of the first class material is new, as there are many details that they are not familiar with. That is why it is right to lay the foundation in a literate, complete and systematic way from the very beginning. Of course, we welcome those who have basic knowledge, because it helps to comprehend the material better and contributes to the digestion of the material. That is why we start the course from 0 without the need for prior knowledge.
Currently, online learning is also relevant, which has its advantages:
Taking into account the demand for online learning, we also provide online courses. By the way, we also provide blended learning, that is, while taking an offline course, if you want, you can join the class remotely.
MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint are the basic software that are used in almost all fields. That is why the knowledge of these programs is a must for all specialists, regardless of the field or their age. Thank you so much for following my blog page :)
Sincerely, Marine Mnatsakanyan