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MS PowerPoint Advanced Course
You will gain in-depth knowledge of the PowerPoint program by participating in the MS PowerPoint Advanced Course, exploring tools that are most useful for creating presentations.
Number of lessons 3
Time spent on a lesson 1h
Number of lessons: 3 lesson
Lesson Duration: 1hour
Course Format։ Face-to-face learning
Course Fee։ 18․000 AMD (Individual)
Venue։ IBT Educational Center, Citadel Business Center, 105/1 Teryan, Yerevan
Who is the course intended for?
PowerPoint advanced course is designed for trainers, speakers, and researchers, as well as those who just want to deepen their knowledge of PowerPoint. At the end of the course, the participating student will gain in-depth knowledge of PowerPoint program, will study tools that will allow to create unique presentations full of animations.
Course benefits
Course Content
Lesson 1.
Lesson 2.
Lesson 3.